I believe in Aliens, just not in YOU....
And so we search the skies for some like us. Organizations like SETI (http://www.seti.org/) dedicate their resources to listening for radio waves from distant stars. Our radio waves from early radio broadcasts have now reached out over 100 light years from the earth and the aliens circling our closest star, 4.3 light years away, are now caught up in the drama of the TV series, LOST.
But after all our searching, there is no definite evidence that we have company in the universe. Some may think that we have looked long enough and that the lack of evidence can be considered proof. However, we have only been listening to the universe's radio waves for a little over 30 years, and to definitively state that there is no evidence of life is tantamount to scooping a cup of water out of the ocean and concluding that there are no whales in our seas. It will take time, but why not keep looking? Are we afraid that we might find we are not unique?
With all this said, I am still weary to believe your UFO story. Well...I believe you saw a UFO, a UNIDENTIFIED flying object, but not a alien. Lets not jump to any conclusions when we see a object in the sky. Too often people see a light in the sky and they claim it was a alien craft visiting earth with no proof other than their ignorance of what the object was. Occum's Razor is a scientific law that states that usually the simplest answer is the correct one, in biology this is called the law of parsimony. Using this law, I conclude that there was no alien craft because it is more likely that you are simply a idiot. Sorry but not sorry. To over throw this law all we need is some sort of concrete evidence that aliens are in fact visiting our planet and a photo-shopped blurry flying saucer does not count. Instead lets try to get a piece of the craft or maybe even a living or dead alien. Because if it truly a alien craft, as Neil deGrasse Tyson suggests, the technology would be like nothing we have ever seen and the alien will likely not be DNA based. Until that time, please stop mistaking weather balloons and low flying planes for aliens. If we keep doing this, aliens might eventually visit and find the earth to be void of intelligent life.
But like I said the whole alien conspiracy topic is incredibly interesting and I too find myself often falling into the drama of it all. The way I see it; either these people are crazy, they are wanting attention and money, or they actually saw aliens. Any of these three possibilities I find fascinating With that said, I will leave you with my favorite clip from the "Disclosure Project," a organizational effort to bring together the most reliable sources on the Alien Conspiracy. Clifford E. Stone was supposedly a government employee who worked on recovering crashed alien ships.